Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tableau Public

My first attempt!

MySQL and SQL Server

...actually, how to make the two talk.

Create a Linked Server in SQL Server (using ODBC):

To query (from SQL Server):

select top 5 * from mysqlanalytics...analytics;

select * from mysqlanalytics...session;

Stored procedures aren't available, but you can get around this by writing a view in MySQL to return the data from the stored procedure (and perhaps use a table to get any parameters the stored procedure might need).

mysql> create view ViewSession as
-> select GetSession() as CurrentSession;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.06 sec)

mysql> select * from viewsession;

And ViewSession is now available in SQL Server:

select * from mysqlanalytics...ViewSession

Friday, June 25, 2010

Google Analytics API

Very basic GA API project (very poorly hosted too!)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Adobe Forms

Adobe Forms review. A test run of XForms, later.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

CMS everywhere

This is old news, but it is interesting to see how ASP.MVC follows the same principles as, for example, Django or Zope; it contains the building blocks for a CMS, and supersedes the ASP.NET paradigm.

That being said, there are conceptual differences - Zope is middleware-centric (the database is customized for it), Django is database-centric (you start with the db definition, even if it is done at the ORM level: you start with the classes in Python which then get mapped to relational tables) and ASP.MVC is purely database centric (using LINQ to SQL - the classes are generated from the relational tables).

Finally you have something like eZ Publish where objects exist somewhere between PHP and the CMS, and are stored in a bit bucket (relational database, but with no relational features per se, so they might be better off using Mongo or Cache for speed).

Other than that, same features - URL mapping, templates, etc.

Next, I'll delve into ZODB, it would be interesting to see how much is actually stored there and how much in /var.

Speaking of ASP.MVC, here are a couple of links on SEO, relevant to other CMS as well (especially to migrations!):

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Python classes


class OldClass:

    def method(self):


Characterized by:

P = OlcClass()

p.__class__ à 'OldClass'

type(p) à 'instance'


>>> class Test:

    def __init__(self):

        print 'Test initialized'

    def meth(self):

        self.member = 1

        print 'Test.member = ' + str(self.member)


>>> class TestKid(Test):

    "This is derived from Kid, meth is overriden and so is member"

    def __init__(self):

        print 'Kid initialized'

    def meth(self):

        self.member = 2


print 'Kid.member = ' + str(self.member)


Above is shown how to override a method, call its parent implementation; the member attribute is shared between the parent and child classes and hence calling a function in parent which references it will modify it in the child as well. The parent constructor (or any other overridden function) is not called by default.


>>> class Test(object):

Type(p) would return 'Test'. Unifies types and classes.

It has classmethods and staticmethods.

Also (for both old and new):

P = Test() ; calling a class object yields a class instance

p.__dict__ à {'member':1}

p.__dict__['member'] = 1 ; same as p.member


You can use properties (almost .NET-style) to access class attributes with new classes.
