class OldClass:
def method(self):
Characterized by:
P = OlcClass()
p.__class__ à 'OldClass'
type(p) à 'instance'
>>> class Test:
def __init__(self):
print 'Test initialized'
def meth(self):
self.member = 1
print 'Test.member = ' + str(self.member)
>>> class TestKid(Test):
"This is derived from Kid, meth is overriden and so is member"
def __init__(self):
print 'Kid initialized'
def meth(self):
self.member = 2
print 'Kid.member = ' + str(self.member)
Above is shown how to override a method, call its parent implementation; the member attribute is shared between the parent and child classes and hence calling a function in parent which references it will modify it in the child as well. The parent constructor (or any other overridden function) is not called by default.
>>> class Test(object):
Type(p) would return 'Test'. Unifies types and classes.
It has classmethods and staticmethods.
Also (for both old and new):
P = Test() ; calling a class object yields a class instance
p.__dict__ à {'member':1}
p.__dict__['member'] = 1 ; same as p.member
You can use properties (almost .NET-style) to access class attributes with new classes.