- the system-generated row id: (_id for Mongo)
- object references, and a kind of relationship definition in Mongo:
> x = {name:'Lab test'}
{ "name" : "Lab test" }
> db.second.save(x)
> pat = {name:'Amornrakot', test:[new DBRef('second', x._id)]}
"name" : "Amornrakot",
"test" : [
"$ref" : "second",
"$id" : ObjectId("4bd6d7c64e660000000f665a")
> pat.test[0].fetch()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4bd6d7c64e660000000f665a"), "name" : "Lab test" }
The similarities aren't surprising perhaps; it is the differences that trouble me (in this case, Mongo's looseness - lack of structure); although SQLite was the first one to go down that path, by not enforcing strict data typing, and now Mongo doesn't even enforce schemas. A discussion on Mongo database design principles here.
For now I have a couple of other questions:
- is there a reporting tool that binds to JSON/Mongo natively?
- how do you update an existing JSON entry? just one tuple, not the entire record; some notes:
- var p = db.coll.findOne();
- p.member (notation supported, p is an object already and there is no need to eval() it; originally, say p{member:"y"} ) = "x" and now p is disconnected from the collection, but db.coll.save(p) does update it in place
What is cool is that you can save JS objects (declared using the JS object notation):
function pobj(param){this.p1=param;}
var newObj = new pobj("test");
db.coll.find(); returns { "_id" : ObjectId("4bd722a6eb29000000007ac4"), "p1" : "test" }. You can even 'serialize' objects' methods, and then call the method for the objects deserialized using findOne. All of this might be JS-specific candy, I am curious how this ports over to other language drivers.
So you can view Mongo as a (JS) object-oriented database, with nothing in the way of SQL facilities though; a tuple serialization mechanism; a key-value pair list; a 'document'/hierarchical database using JSON as the document format (as opposed to xDB's XML), all of which are correct.
Another question: when you have an embedded object, var ptrUser = {name : "Mr Iwata", address : { city : "Tokyo }}, how do you search by the inner object properties? db.coll.find({address:{ city : "criteria" }} does not seem to work.RTfM
Also, if you store objects with different structures in one collection, they can be inspected:
from pymongo import Connection
c = Connection()
d = c.clinical
coll = d.physician
for item in coll.find():
itmkeys = []
print item.get("_id")
for ky in item.iterkeys():
print itmkeys
Lots of interesting info at the Wikipedia JSON page.