Friday, July 31, 2009


  • similar to: Intersystems, Oracle/IBM

Through acquisitions, Microsoft has built an impressive array of offerings in the healthcare space:

  • LifeSciences
  • Unified Intelligence System

HIS is pretty clear - direct competition to the Intersystems TrakCare discussed here.

UIS is a data aggregator and is somewhat similar to dbMotion and Ensemble. It integrates with HealthVault as an EMR solution.

LifeSciences is similar to Oracle and IBM offerings in that it is a suprastructure built on an existing pure technology platform that is targeted at the needs of life sciences.

Same as Oracle and IBM, Microsoft has arrived at the healthcare apps arena from the pure tech extreme - leveraging a platform into a specific vertical, quite the opposite of Intersystems, which started with an industry-specific application which it then moved (more or less) downstream as a general-purpose platform.